Thanksgiving Weekend - October 11, 12 & 13, 2025

Our 2025 Theme is: "From Seed to Supper"

Animal Exhibits

For many, the focus of a country fair are the animals. Dedication to the breed and pride of ownership is evident as cattle, horses, goats and sheep are displayed to show off healthy bloodlines and outstanding performance. The Norwood Fair is no exception. Please check the schedule for exhibits, demonstrations and auctions.

Exhibitors: For full details on entry rules, classes, prize money and registering please visit our Fair Book (available on our home page or by using the link on the left side of this page.)

Cattle Shows
Did you know there are prizes for the fat and protein composition of milk? How about "Best Udder" and even one for Mature Cow? Have you ever stood next to a Grand Champion Bull? Well, come on down! The 4-H Club and Future Farmers will also be presenting.

  • Beef - Hereford, Simmental, Charolais
  • Dairy - Jersey, Holstein
  • Steer Show and auction

Horse Shows
Among the most impressive of farm animals, the horse is a favourite. Watch them strut their stuff under the judges' appraising eyes as they are displayed individually or perform in teams of three, four and six before a carriage.

  • Heavy Horses - Percherons, Belgians, Clydesdales
  • Light Horse
  • Ponies - Saddle, Confirmation, Fine Harness, Hackney, Roadster, Ladies, Pleasure
  • Vehicle and Costume classes
    For information about equine competitions, please go to the Horse & Pony page.

Sheep & Goat Shows
Sorry, no piglets named 'Babe' in this competition. Check out the best specimen in the area. Can you tell a Toggenburg from a LaMancha?

  • Sheep - Leicester, Suffolk, Dorset, N.C. Cheviot
  • Goats - Alpine, Nubian, Saanen, Toggenburg, LaManchas, Grade

Poultry Show
Who knew that there were so many types of chicken? Do the kids know how large a goose is when you get close up to it? The turkeys, of course, are all busy this weekend.

  • Chicken
  • Ducks
  • Geese

But wait, there's more!
Visit the EIEIO building to visit with ponies, piglets, bunnies, chicks, a lama or two and many others.