Thanksgiving Weekend - October 11, 12 & 13, 2025

Our 2025 Theme is: "From Seed to Supper"

FF / 4H / Club Registrations

Entries must be submitted on line and must be received by September 20th

Incomplete or late entries will not be accepted.

If 4H - your Club Name MUST appear on this form.

    *Last Name:

    *First name:




    *Postal Code:




    Exhibitor #:

    *Age Jan 1st this year:


    (If you don't have an Exhibitor #,
    one will be assigned to you.)


    4H Club:


    Club Leader:


    4H Registration#:




    Exhibitors bringing Cattle, Sheep or Goats, please provide the following if available:

    CCIA Account ID #:

    ON Trace Premises ID #:


    Norwood Fair Grounds Premises ID # is ON4214687


    Norwood Fair CCIA Account # is A5519790


    All premiums will be paid by cheque and mailed to the address provided.

    Premium for Future Farmers is $20. Future Farmers will also receive a plaque at the fair.

    Premiums for All other classes and sections are $25 (Both Groups A & B), unless otherwise noted.

    Classes & Sections: Please place a check in the box beside the categories you wish to enter.

    Future Farmers Beef

    Class 18A - Section 01 - Ages 5 & 6


    Class 18A - Section 02 - Ages 7 & 8

    4H Beef Showmanship

    Class 18B - Section 03 - Novice - Ages 9, 10 & 11


    Class 18B - Section 04 - Junior - Ages 12, 13 & 14


    Class 18B - Section 05 - Senior - Ages 15 thru 21

    4H Beef Conformation

    Class 18C - Section 06 - Junior Heifer: 01/01 - 03/31 - this year


    Class 18C - Section 07 - Senior Heifer: 01/01 - 12/31 - last year

    Future Farmers Dairy

    Class 18D - Section 08 - Ages 5 & 6


    Class 18D - Section 09 - Ages 7 & 8

    4H Dairy Conformation

    Class 18E - Section 10 - Junior Dairy Heifer: 03/01 - 05/31 this year


    Class 18E - Section 11 - Intermediate Dairy Heifer: 12/01 last year - 02/28 this year


    Class 18E - Section 12 - Senior Calf: 09/01 - 11/30 last year


    Class 18E - Section 13 - Summer Yearling: 06/01 - 08/31 last year


    Class 18E - Section 14 - Junior Yearling: 03/01 - 05/31 last year

    4H Dairy Showmanship

    Class 18F - Section 15 - Novice - Ages 9, 10 & 11


    Class 18F - Section 16 - Junior - Ages 12, 13 & 14


    Class 18F - Section 17 - Intermediate - Ages 15, 16 & 17


    Class 18F - Section 18 - Senior - Ages 18 thru 21

    Sheep Club Showmanship

    Class 18G - Section 19

    Sheep Club Conformation

    Class 18H - Section 20

    Goat Club Showmanship

    Class 18I - Section 21

    Goat Club Conformation

    Class 18J - Section 22

    Field Crop Club

    Class 18K - Section 23 - 1 Project per exhibitor, Premium $15

    Poultry Club

    Class 18L - Section 24 - 1 Project per exhibitor, Premium $15

    Heavy Horse Showmanship

    Class 18M - Section 25 - Ages 9 to 13


    Class 18M - Section 26 - Ages 14 to 17