Thanksgiving Weekend - October 11, 12 & 13, 2025

"Our 2025 theme will be announced soon"

Exhibitor Rules & Regulations

Exhibitors: Please see our Fair Book for detailed information on entry rules, classes, and prize money

  1. No additional or substitute entries will be allowed, unless the Secretary has been notified prior to the show. All entries MUST be postmarked by September 20th.
  2. All exhibits MUST be bonafide the property of the Exhibitor, and with the exception of Livestock and Homecraft, MUST have been grown, produced or made during the current year. Forfeiture of the premiums will follow any infringement of this rule, and debar the Exhibitor in the future.
  3. No person shall make more than one entry in the same Section of a Class, unless otherwise stated.
  4. No animal is allowed to compete for more than one prize unless as herinafter provided, foals, teams, trotting horses and herds of cattle are exceptions to this rule.
  5. In case of bad weather or any other detrimental force, the Society reserves the right to reduce the prize money in accordance with the average of the last three normal years of attendance for that day. Percentage deducted from winnings will be similarly reduced. The requirements for #16 under rules and regulations must also be adhered to be eligible for any payout.
  6. No animals or articles entered for competition shall necessarily entitle the owner to a prize unless it is considered worthy by the judges.
  7. Registered certificates of pure bred horses, cattle & sheep must be handed to the Committee in Charge on the day of exhibition, if requested.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to attach prize tickets given at any former exhibition to any animal or article, until the judges have made their award.
  9. Exhibitors of animals, immediately on receiving their prize ribbons, shall affix them to the prize animals as soon as it is practically possible to do so.
  10. Entry tickets shall be supplied for entries and MUST be attached to EVERY article entered.
  11. The First, Second and Third prizes shall be distinguished by red, blue and white ribbons respectively.
  12. The Society accepts no responsibility for theft or loss of any article on the grounds.
  13. The Society shall not be responsible for any accident on the grounds.
  14. Any person who interferes with the judge, or Committee in Charge, or who intimidates or discredits the judge or Committee, will be expelled from the show ring immediately. All prize money shall be forfeited, and the offender shall be excluded from exhibiting the following year.
  15. The exhibition shall be open at 9:00 a.m. each day.
  16. NO livestock may be taken from the grounds before 5:00 p.m. on the day on which they are judged. Exhibits in main buildings MUST NOT BE REMOVED before 5:00 p.m. Monday.
  17. No premiums will be paid until after October 31st.
  18. All protests or appeals MUST be made in writing and must state plainly the cause or complaint, and shall be presented to the Secretary at or before 6:00 p.m. on the third day of the Exhibition. The sum of twenty dollars shall be deposited with the Secretary in case of protest or appeal, the same to become the property of the Society if the appeal is not sustained.
  19. Unless otherwise stated in the Class of "Specials" or Championships, only exhibits in the Regular Classes will be permitted to compete.
  20. The Society reserves the right to prohibit and prevent all kinds of theatrical, circuses and acrobatic performances, exhibition or shows, and also to regulate or even prevent trafficking, or huckstering in fruit, goods, wares or merchandise on the Exhibition grounds, or within 300 metres thereof; and any person who, after due notice of such rules and regulations violates the same, shall be liable to be removed by the Officers, police or constables of the Society, and be liable of a fine of not less than $1.00 or more than $20.00. Such fines to be enforced and collected as fines are usually collected and to be paid over to the Society for its use and benefit.
  21. All space for livestock exhibits will be available on a "first come, first served" basis.
  22. The Norwood Agricultural Society strongly recommends that exhibitors carry personal liability insurance.