Schedule of Events, 2024

The original gates to the Fair circa 1960 Please join us on Thanksgiving for a weekend filled with fun and excitement!
Thursday, Oct 10
All School Exhibits in Social Studies, School Crafts, Writing, Maps, Science and Posters will be received at the Sports Complex up to 6:00pm. Homecraft exhibits accepted from 6pm to 8pm. For exhibitor rules and information, please download the division information shown at left.
Friday, Oct 11
All School Exhibits in Home Economics, Flowers, Home Hobby Crafts, Vegetables, Baking and Sewing will be received at the Sports Complex up to 10:00 am. Field Grain & Crop Competition entries accepted until 11:00am. 4-H Poster displays and Vegetable entries accepted from 9am until noon. Homecraft exhibits accepted from 9am to 11:30am. For exhibitor rules and information, please download the division information shown at left.
Let the fun begin! CHILDREN'S DAY! Gates and buildings open to the public at 9:00am
Kids Koral - in the Millennium Room - all day
Old MacDonald's Farm (petting zoo in the EIEIO building) open all day
The Midway (Albion Entertainment) opens at 10:30am
Amateur Musical Entertainment at 11:00am on the outdoor stage in front of the Brethen Coliseum
9:00am | Hunter Show - Cuthbertson Ring |
9:00am to 4:00pm | Antique and Classic Car Show - High School Field |
9:30am | Heavy Horse Show - Telford Ring |
10:00am | Light Horse Show - Stevenson Ring |
10:30am | Poultry Show |
11:15am | Future Farmers Beef Show |
11:30am | 4-H Beef Show and Beef Show |
Noon | Norwood Fair Parade |
1:00pm | Official Opening of the 2024 Norwood Fair - Brethen Coliseum |
1:30pm | Saturday Entertainment Program begins in the Brethen Coliseum Catering to children and youth -Live entertainment -Stuffed animal competition -Baby show (Pre-register online) -Games for Children -Talent show, age 15 and under (Pre-register online) |
3:45pm | Steer show and sale - Market Steer Ring beside the Cattle Barn |
Gates and Buildings open at 9:00am. Old MacDonald's Farm all day. Midway opens at 10:30am
Kids Koral - Millennium Room - All day
Sheep Shearing / Wool Spinning Demonstration - All day
9:00am | Gymkhana Show - Cuthbertson Ring |
10:00am |
Poultry Show Western Horse Show - Telford Ring Junior Fair Ambassador Competition - Brethen Coliseum |
11:00am |
Light Pony Draw - South East Track |
11:30am |
Sheep Dog Demonstration "Pat Kelleher & Friends" |
Noon |
Dairy Goat & 4-H Goat Show "Keene Country" |
1:00pm |
Lawn Mower Racing - Stevenson Ring Hot Diggity Dogs - Flyball - High School field Heavy Pony Draw - South East Track |
1:30pm | Sheep Dog Demonstration |
2:00pm | "Cale Crowe - A man and an acoustic guitar" Contemporary Music from 2:00 to 4:30pm (Outdoor Stage in front of the Brethen Coliseum) |
3:00pm | Hot Diggity Dogs - Flyball - High School field |
3:30pm | Sheep Dog Demonstration |
Gates and Buildings open at 9:00am. Old MacDonald's Farm all day. Midway opens at 10:30am
Kids Koral - Millennium Room - All day
Antique tractor display/show - near Exhibition Building.
Craft Demonstrations - Exhibition Building
8:00am | Ontario Xtreme Cowboy Competition - all day - Cuthbertson Ring |
10:30am | "Tastes Like Chicken" - from 10:30am to 1:00pm Live Band (Outdoor Stage in front of the Brethen Coliseum) |
11:30am | Future Farmers Dairy Show |
11:45am | 4-H Dairy Calf and Junior Show followed by Holstein and Jersey Dairy Shows |
Noon |
Light Horse Draw - Telford Ring Stillbrook Riding Stables Precision Drill Team - Stephenson Ring Antique Tractor Demonstration and Pull - On the track beside the EIEIO Barn "Stockdale Central" |
1:00pm | "Gord McGee & Loose Ends" Live Music - from 1:00pm to 3:30pm (Outdoor Stage in front of the Brethen Coliseum) |
2:00pm | "Stockdale Central" Live Band onstage in the Brethen Coliseum |
2:45pm | Heavy Horse Draw - Telford Ring |